Thursday, March 13, 2008


Okay, everything seems good so far. Now if I could only figure out what happened to send Stabbing in the Dark down to Davy Jones' Locker!

Oh, well. I'm happy. And Whistling in the Dark can stop bragging that he's on his way to ruling the blogosphere! Now I need to go back and edit all my posts so that they're all neat and short. I'm doing the happy dance!


1 comment:

Chris Cottingham said...

"Whistling in the Dark can stop bragging that he's on his way to ruling the blogosphere..."

THAT...will never happen.

Er...the part about the bragging stopping, I mean...that will never happen. My conquest of the blogosphere is inevitable due to my great superiority. Oh, yes - Soon, I will be invincible!

(I don't know what that code means either.)