Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh, How I Pray That This Worked!

I have spent the better part of my lunch hour working on this blog, praying that I could somehow get the "Read More" expandable entry dohicky (a very technical term, I assure you) to work. Honestly, I have no idea what the code I cut and pasted into the template meant. For all I know I could have just sent a signal to Mars. I'll let you know if they write back.

At any rate, I'm writing this and hoping and praying (I'd sacrifice a small animal if I thought it would have a positive effect!) that this works. I'm not sure I could stand to have two blogs sink in one week!

Since I'm writing, and since I may be busy for the rest of the day, I might as well bring everyone up to speed with what's going on here at work. Looks like I've been cleared for a second year of residency work here at the good ol' VA, though I'll still be applying for full time permanent positions while doing that work. At the very least it will buy me time to continue looking for real work.

Unfortunately, though, my colleague with whom I get along well, got a little behind the eight ball and didn't get his application in on time. So he didn't get it. This makes it a rather bittersweet moment. I'm hoping he finds something, though the job market out here for rebelious chaplain types is slim to nonexistent.

Also, I just found out that I need to completely vacate my office by Thursday of next week. They have no idea where I'm going, or how long I'll be without an office (3 months is what's being kicked about), but I'm going. And not a moment too soon, if you ask me. The chemical smell from the asbestos and lead paint removal work is getting a little too strong for my tastes today.

Okay, time for the moment of truth. Let's see if this works.

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