Monday, March 10, 2008

First Shot Across the Bow

When I logged onto blogspot about an hour ago, I had no intention of starting a new blog. In fact, I was more than happy with my old blog - over 3100 hits, plenty of links to other blogs, and hundreds of entries from yours truly. But then I decided to make some changes, and everything fell to pieces.

I attempted to edit the blog posts so that they would only initially show the first paragraph and the link "Read More!" If you clicked on the link, the full post would show up with a place to leave your comment. Nothing new there; thousands of blogs have that feature.

Except on my blog, where the posts immediately vanished. Well, sort of. They're there; I can read them when I go into edit mode. But when you look on the blog itself, all you see are the links and widgets on the side. Nothing else.

So now I have started this blog, which will be my official blog until either I fix the old one or I move everything of import over here. In the meantime, though, all I can say is, "Grrrr!" or, in keeping with the pirate theme, "Arrrr!"

1 comment:

Chris Cottingham said...


Can't help but feel a little (a little?!?) responsible for that, cap'n.

In my defense - it didn't happen when I did it...

Do you want a link to a guy who answers questions about this process?