Thursday, September 11, 2008

Email War!

Today has been a slow morning thus far, as most of the staff is packing to move to a different building on campus. I'm staying put, so I've been occupying my time by cleaning my office and organizing my filing cabinet. One Ring would be so proud, since I never do that kind of thing!

But there's something more important going on here in the office. Mr. Ed, the guy who suggested I apply for this job, has decided to take me on in an email war!

It started out when he put me on the email list for the McCain / Palin campaign. I let it go without response - sort of the same way the Democrats responded to the swift boat attack of '04. Then came the subscriptions to the ultra conservative newsletters. War was declared. Thus far I have signed him up for (in no particular order) the Communist Party of America, the Green Party, Obama for President, Scientology, the ACLU, PETA,, and a few others. I told him that he's lucky that NAMBLA doesn't have a website anymore!

He's struck back by signing me up for Bill O'Reilly, Stop the ACLU, the Jehovah's Witness email list, Sean Hannity, and some sort of Strom Thurmond center at the University of South Carolina (shudder!).

No sign of let up, and we're both exchanging broadsides just as fast as we can reload. Good news is that it's lunchtime, and that most of these sites require people to respond to an email to get the e-subscriptions rolling. Otherwise, I'd be looking at a full mailbox on a daily basis!

It's lunchtime now; maybe a can negotiate a temporary ceasefire!

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